I have completed the back of the jacket and I am seriously diggin' on the mini cabled armhole decreases. Tres decorative I think. I am loving this pattern with this yarn so very much more than the other one. It is destined to be my comfy sweater for years to come. BTW the very center has a 2 purl rib which lends a wonky line in it's current raw unblocked state.
see what I mean?
and now as promised:
1. I've been hooked on the needles since? crochet since I was about 7 (taught by mammaw), knitting for about 3 years (self taught), but I'm partial to the needles.
2. I'm still a virgin, but not for long: to fair-isle, steeking & spinning
3. She's crafty - she gets around...to : knitting, beading, sewing, & crochet
She's crafty - she's always down...for: reading, writing, watching movies
She's crafty - she's got a gripe...about : people who talk during movies
She's crafty - and she's just my type. What type of knitter are you? I'm a thrower who spends more time deciding what to knit than actually knitting and then gifts much of it. I grudgingly swatch, happily finish, and usually only work on a couple of projects at once.
4. I'm dying to try: lorna's laces
5. I gravitate towards colors like? earthy, spicy, natural colors are my favorite and I detest blue.
6. My most cherished possession (kids, pets, family don't count) is: Family photos & my yarn stash & needles, of course.
7. I'm stuck on an island, what am I reading? Romance all the way, whether it's Shakespeare, Jane Austen or Judith McNaught.
8. If I were about to be executed and I was offered a last meal , I'd be dining on: Sushi, maybe an Indian curry, a thick, juicy rib-eye steak, my famous bacon-wrapped, cheese-stuffed chicken breasts, and chess pie & cannoli for dessert. I guess I had better put a bottle of Tums on that list as well.
9. Music to knit by: Lilly Allen, Gwen Stefani, No Doubt, Harry Connick Jr., Aaron Neville, India Arie, The Donnas, Letters to Cleo, M.I.A., Michael Buble
10. I have a crush on: Joaquin Phoenix
11. Least favorite celeb: Where do I begin? J-Lo, Brittney, Lindsay...the list never ends
12. Choose:
Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp? Johnny
Madonna or Janet Jackson? Janet
June Cleaver or Peg Bundy? Peg
Jackie or Marilyn? Marilyn
Love or Money? Love
Brains or looks? Brains
Math or English? English
Cat or Dog? Cat
Leader or follower? Leader
Beer or Champagne? Champagne taste-beer budget
13. My favorite smell? the ever present mix of baby powder, milk, and sweetness I smell when I kiss my baby's head or the faint scent of cookies and strawberry shampoo I smell when I hug my oldest daughter.
14. Not many people know this about me: I have written and copyrighted one manuscript and have another in progress.
15. My hidden talent is: singing
If you're reading this then you are officially tagged.